Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Alex is 9 months old now...

Wow...time really does go by fast. Alex is 9 months old now. He has three teeth and is cutting a couple more I think. We expect him to start walking any day now. His father walked at 7 months, I walked at 8 months, so how interesting that Alex should start to walk at 9 months? 7-8-9...interesting.

Alex has these beautiful crystal blue eyes and totally has me wrapped around his little baby finger.

My body has gone to hell in a handbasket though. 9 months now and my belly still sort of looks like I'm pregnant. I don't know if it will every go back to the way it used to be. I never had a FLAT stomach, but at least it wasn't huge. Every woman I see now with a big belly...I will look at her and grin. We both did something wonderful to get this way. ;)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Alex is 5 months old now

Wow. 5 months old. People weren't joking when they told me that time flies by when they are babies. My son is 5 months old!!!!! We have started him on solids. A little rice cereal in the morning. A little oatmeal at night.

I think we have dealt with about 10 cold strains so far plus a bout of RSV. We are also dealing with Excema. You know, it's funny. Some people have children that cry and cry and can only be calmed by running the vacuum cleaner. Some people have children who won't eat and won't sleep. I have one with broken out skin and a snotty nose that runs like a fountain, but one thing is for sure. I am learning more and more about my son every day and I am fascinated by every move he makes.

When he is stuffed up or coughing all I want to do is cry because I can't make him feel better. When he had a fever of 102 with RSV I was crying right along with him.

Someone once said to me, having a child is like letting your heart run around outside your body. Yes...it's exactly like that. And I have only just begun.

P.S. I have a friend who is expecting a baby any day now. She asked ME to help her buy things at Babies R Us. ME!!! I have experience now! Just a few short months ago I was standing in an explosion of unknown baby stuff with the rest of the expectant mothers. And now...I know what ALL that stuff is! Ha Ha!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Mommyhood...check it out

My sister has two young children and as far as I am concerned. She hung the moon. Want to check out a tride and true extremely cool blog?
Click on the link:

Well, I thought the picture was attached...

Let's try that again.

My boy is 3 months old!

Wow...time really DOES fly by! I had so much advice from all of you and many others that told me to cherish every moment. I totally have. Time really does go by so fast.

Alex is three months old now. He is holding his head steady and can sit up with the assistance of a Bumbo Seat. He is trying his hardest to pull himself up into a sitting position as well.

He has also started trying to talk. He makes the coolest, sweetest little cooing noises. My heard melts everytime I hear it.

A new picture is attached. Enjoy...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I had my first BABY DREAM last night!

I was wondering when this would happen. I actually dreamed about what my son will look like and was actually holding him in my dream. Made it more worth it.

Know what I did though? I laid him butt naked on the dining room table then walked off down the hall to the nursery to unwrap a CD to put in the CD player. When I came back, he had almost rolled off the table. I'm going to be such a good mom...sheesh.

Thank goodness it was just a dream.

Friday, July 10, 2009


There are so many type-o's in my last blog post sorry.

I meant stretch marks. And I meant scratchy. ;)

Itchy Scratcy, Itchy Scratchy

Ugh...my preventative methods didn't work. I have these ugly purple scrach marks along my lower abdomen. At first, they were just ugly. Now, they are itching like crazy! It's like having several misquito bites all along my lower belly. I try so hard not to scratch, but geez, it's difficult! But the scratching shows me that my baby boy is growing, so you know what? Itch away! It's worth it!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The partner...

Ok. Because I've heard this from many pregnant women and have also felt this myself. Partners in pregnancy, heed my words. There are a few things you can do to ensure that she will not fly into hysterics and begin crying.

1) Hug her every single day and tell her that you love her and she looks pretty. Although pregnant women are beautiful, they don't feel beautiful. They are getting bigger and bigger and they are getting stretch marks and they are tired. They feel ugly at times.

2) When she says there is something that needs updating or fixing in the house. Just do it. Whether you agree with her or not. Just do it. You will save yourself a lot of heartache.

3) If you don't care about feeling the baby move, lie to her and put your hand on her tummy when she asks you too. It's important to her to share the babies movements with you.

4) Make an effort to learn what is going on with her body and her emotions. And also what you should expect as the partner.

Ummm...this is all I can think of for now. But trust me. Women are complex creatures anyway. And pregnancy intensifies her feelings and her dependency on you. It may frustrate you sometimes, but try to remember what she is going through. You aren't going through it. So just try to be patient and supportive. Okay? Good Luck!

31 weeks today.

Okay folks...now I'm beginning to realize that there is a real baby coming. A living, breathing, pooping baby. I mean, I've known this all along, but it's REALLY hitting me now. I will have my very own baby to love. Someone like me, someone like my husband. I can't wait to meet him and see what he will be like. The reality of everything happening is scary and exciting at the same time. I have 9 weeks to go and I really hope he stays in my tummy for the full-term. I have so much to do still before he gets here!