Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Olympics

Whew! Sorry...I haven't posted in awhile. I have trouble sometimes keeping up with all of the technology around me sometimes. I do try though.

So my post today is about the Olympics. I care more about the Olympics this time around than I ever have in the past. It's so exciting and instills such a feeling of pride to watch our American Athletes compete for the biggest trophy of their lives. And Michael Phelps? WOW! I can't even believe that medals he's won and the records he's crushing. The excitement is even better than the Bristol race! I KNOW! Can you believe I said that??????? But really...the excitement of watching Michael Phelps swim and stomp the competition gives me the same rush as "Gentleman, start your engines" at Bristol.

GO U.S.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!