Monday, January 26, 2009

Delaying the transition from Analog to Digital...what???

So you know how we’ve been bombarded since the beginning of last year with messages about the switch-over from analog to digital TV next month right? Well you may also be aware that Congress is debating whether to hold off the transition until June. They estimate that more than 6.5 million households aren’t ready. Okay, seriously? 6.5 MILLION households aren’t ready? How can they not be ready? If you did not know about this transition, you have been living in a hole somewhere. This has been a topic in the news and local television for MORE than 1 year. There has been plenty of notice. I don’t think Congress should have sympathy for these folks. I’m sorry if that sounds rude, but I just don’t understand how that many people are NOT ready for this. Even when the government offered these converter boxes for FREE! We shouldn’t’ have to be penalized for other people’s procrastination. Just saying. Plus, delaying the transition will cost broadcasters money as well because they have to air both digital and analog signals for another four months. The delay could also effect public safety agencies and wireless companies who are waiting for the airwaves to be freed up by the release of the analog signals.
I just don’t even understand how it’s up for discussion. I think they need to do what they said they were going to do and switch it February 17th. Tell you what. Those that have procrastinated will snap to it really quick when they can’t watch tv. What do you think?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why are the commercials so LOUD on televison? first I thought it was the transition between analog and digital for television stations, but after reading an article in Reader's Digest and upon my own observation, I have realized that television commercials are loud on purpose. You'll be watching your favorite television show and then it will fade out and cut to a commercial. All of a sudden, you are stunned to attention and blown back from the television because the commercial is SO LOUD!!!!! What is UP with that? In a flailing attempt to make us watch commercials, are clients choosing to make their commercials louder? I'm a DVR girl so I fast forward through some of the commercials, but occasionally I watch tv in real time and have found that this loud commerical thing is a recurring situation. Know what I do? I hit MUTE!!!!!!! How's that for effective marketing?

Can anyone tell me WHY this is happening? I know who to call to find out, but I'd rather hear from you. Also, is it just me or do you feel the same way?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's Inauguration Day...

I was reviewing the blog posts at WBIR dot com and was overcome with a wave of sadness. Some posts were so excited about today and our future. Some were bitter and angry about today and had nothing but horrible things to say. The first thing that came to my mind is this: How nice to live in a country where we can express ourselves so freely and choose to support the President or not. In other countries, they have no choice but to support their leader. I think some folks need to remember that we are lucky we live in a free country. How lucky we are to think and feel whatever we want.

I never once stated this on the air, because I feel it is not my place to cram my opinion down your throat. But this is my Blog and I can say whatever I want.

I VOTED FOR BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am excited to have some hope for our future and our children's future. He has a huge job on his hands living up to our expectations and I wish him the very best of luck. He will be under a lot of scrutiny from the opposing team.

Most of all, I haven't seen our country so united and so excited about anything in a very long time. It's nice. There is an excitement in the air and a strong hope for the future. If Barack Obama can give people a sense of pride to work hard and be good Americans, that is one huge step in the right direction.

One more thing. I really wish people would stop basing this election on race. That's just ignorant. You are assuming that black Americans only voted for Obama because he's black. Well that would be stupid. Are you calling black Americans stupid? Perhaps you should double-check on your own racial issues first before you judge others. Black Americans and white Americans made their choice together along with Asian Americans, Latin Americans, Jewish Americans and on and on and on. The best man won the election. Fair and square. United States citizens were given the opportunity to vote. We voted.

Here's to a productive 8 years.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Correction to Island Job website

Hey, it's this website:

I had Island F-R-E-E job. It's Island R-E-E-F job. Little dyslexia. Sorry.

Best Job in the World

There is a job opening in Australia you might be interested in. The tourism department in Queensland is offering someone $100,000 to lay around on an island near Australia’s Great Barrier reef for six months. Seriously. They are calling it The Best Job in the World. All you have to do is promote the island on a blog. In exchange for salary, you would get free accommodations in an oceanfront villa and airfare from your home country. You will be required to stroll the island’s white sand beaches, snorkel, swim in the pool and post photos and videos of your experience on a weekly blog. Applications are accepted until February 22nd when 11 finalists will be flown to Hamilton Island in May for the final selection process. The job would begin July 1st. Interested? Visit

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jefferson Bass

Hey! I am so excited! The new Jefferson Bass novel Bones of Betrayal is out in stores on Tuesday, February 3rd! Join me at Borders Books & Music on Morrell Road near West Town for their first public booksigning. It's at 7pm on Wednesday, February 4th! To learn more about the book click here:

The Banana Experiment - Continued

So, if you read my earlier post, it said if you seperate bananas when you get them home they will last longer. I did that. SO not true. I experimented with a bunch this week. I left them together lovingly as a bunch. They are rotting at the same rate as the unbunched bananas.

I suppose there is a difference in how ripe they are when you buy them, but really, I don't want to get into a huge full-fledged experiment here. I just wanted to know.

My hypothesis is that seperating the bananas when you get them home makes no difference.

The End.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Interesting in Swapping your old DVD's?

Good Housekeeping approved two DVD swapping websites. and

Blonde Joke...warning...this is bad.

The other day my neighbor, who is blonde, came running up to me in the driveway jumping for joy! I didn't know why she was jumping so excitedly but I thought, 'what the heck', and I starting jumping up and down along with her. She said, 'I have some really great news!'
I said, 'Great. Tell me why you're so happy.' She stopped jumping and breathing heavily from all the jumping up and down, told me that she was pregnant. I knew she'd been trying for a while so I told her, 'That's great I couldn't be happier for you!' Then she said, 'There's more'
I asked, What do you mean there's more. She said, 'Well, we are not having just one baby. We are going to have TWINS!' Amazed at how she could know so soon after getting pregnant, I asked her how she knew. She said.... "Well, that was the easy part. I went to Sam's Club and they actually had a home pregnancy kit in a TWIN-pack. Both tests came out positive!

(oh come on...I know you are laughing)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

B97.5 Christmas Cookie Champion 2008! Here's the recipe

Congratulations to Heather Shorey of Knoxville! She developed this recipe and won our 1st Christmas Cookie Contest! For those of you that have asked for the recipe, here you go!
White Chocolate Pistachio Cranberry Christmas Cookies


1/2 cup crisco shortening
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 cup chopped pistachios


Mix ingredients and place dough on cookie sheets
Bake at 375 for 10 to 12 minutes or until turning brown on the bottom

Loved Gran Turino!

I went to see the new Clint Eastwood flick "Gran Turino" last night. It was SOOOOOOOOO great! If you are Asian or Black you may be offended by some parts, but if everyone can keep an open mind and understand the character that Clint Eastwood plays and who he is, the mindset he has makes a bit more sense.

The movie was a good Clint Eastwood. That's how I will refer to it. There were some really good one-liners, many of them absolutely hilarious!

I give Gran Turino - two thumbs up!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

No one needs to listen to Ann Coulter at 7:15 in the morning!

Ugh...I LOVE the Today show. It's my favorite, but Matt Lauer interviewing Ann Coulter at 7:15 in the morning was an overload. I don't begrudge Ann the right to write a book or express her opinions, but I have the right not to listen to the shrill screeching voice of a desperate controversial author...EVER! I think the Today show displayed a lack in judgement having this interview placed at 7:15 in the morning. There is so much more important news going on in the world that rated far highter than her book and her attitude. I believe interviews such as this should be placed in the 9am timeslot. Long after I've had my coffee.

Need a job? The FBI is hiring!

The job market is getting kinda crazy, but there is one organization that is hiring. The FBI! That's right...the Federal Bureau of Investigations is hiring language specialists, computer experts, intelligence analysts and finance experts. They are looking to fill more than 2,000 staff and 850 special agent positions. For more click on the link:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Banana Experiment

So I read a little article in Good Housekeeping Magazine about the shelf life of different foods. One in particular that caught my eye was how to preserve your bananas. Chef Matt Bolus from Charleston, SC says that when you get the bananas home from the store, break them apart. He says Bananas rot in bunches, so if one browns first, it will cause the others to turn more quickly.

So I bought a bunch of bananas on Saturday and I broke them apart and you know what? They have lasted a bit longer so far. I will try this again with next weeks bunch of bananas and see how they do.

Also, regarding tomatoes? The chef says to store tomatoes on the counter, stem side down. Avoid the fridge, they will lose flavor and texture. Never leave them in plastic. They won't last long.

John Travolta's son

Hey, does it seem wierd to anyone else that this man just lost his 16 year old son and the news media is dissecting it? The autopsy shows that Jett Travolta had a seizure and the seizure killed him. The news media is pulling it apart talking about John and Kelly's religious preferences and how they disease they say Jett had wasn't relevant to his death.

My thing this REALLY necessary to stick needles into this family by exploiting their grief? Does it REALLY matter what religion they follow and whether Jett had other problems?

NO! Seriously. Does this country have nothing else going on to talk about?

I was terribly sad to hear about John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son. It's awful. But I don't need to know that John cried or that the boy was cremated and that there may be some controversy involved with his death.

I wish they would leave this poor famly alone.

What do you think?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Out with the with the new!

Deep breath in! Now...let it out. It's a brand new year. I love the fresh start of a new year. It's like any bad stuff or negative stuff we felt in 2008 is just gone with one big swoop of the calendar. I LOVE IT! We get a fresh start. Let's take full advantage of it. I totally plan too! Best of luck to you in 2009! May you achieve everything you dream of.