Monday, November 16, 2009

The Mommyhood...check it out

My sister has two young children and as far as I am concerned. She hung the moon. Want to check out a tride and true extremely cool blog?
Click on the link:

Well, I thought the picture was attached...

Let's try that again.

My boy is 3 months old!

Wow...time really DOES fly by! I had so much advice from all of you and many others that told me to cherish every moment. I totally have. Time really does go by so fast.

Alex is three months old now. He is holding his head steady and can sit up with the assistance of a Bumbo Seat. He is trying his hardest to pull himself up into a sitting position as well.

He has also started trying to talk. He makes the coolest, sweetest little cooing noises. My heard melts everytime I hear it.

A new picture is attached. Enjoy...